Rhi’s Bookshelf

Published Works

Blacker Than Black, cover image

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A full-length urban fantasy novel, Black’s story is Rhi’s solo debut. Riptide Publishing released it in ebook format in January of 2012, and the print run followed in February.

Written in first person POV and present tense, the story engages the readers and encourages them to immerse themselves, to explore outside their comfort zones and perceptions, through the eyes of the character.

Read the blurb & first six chapters here! They’re also available for free on the publisher’s website, so you can take Black for a test drive before buying. Haus of Rhi has an archived list of an additional five chapters from the promotional blog tour celebrating the release of BTB. You can find the links over in the “blog tour archive.”

Dark Edge of Honor cover image

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Co-written with Aleksandr Voinov and released from Carina Press in August 2011, Dark Edge of Honor was Rhi’s very first published project and remains a favorite.

It combines gritty military fiction, futuristic scifi, and gay romance elements for an unforgettable roller coaster thrill of a ride!

You can find the blurb and additional exclusive content, here!

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