About Rhi

Rhi’s formative years were spent steeped in military culture, and many writing inspirations bear that mark – with a definitive twist. Though focusing mainly on science fiction and fantasy, Rhi enjoys spicing things up with a speculative mixture that sometimes defies an easy label. Next to Elizabeth Moon and Meredith Ann Pierce, Jane’s Defense and Popular Science are counted among still-strong influences. “I used to read these articles about cutting edge technology and science, and wonder what impact it would have on society and culture. How it would change us.”

Rhi’s biggest failing is the inability to write a ‘short’ story – they may begin that way, but they rarely stay small.  “It’s like asking someone to tell you about their life,” Rhi says of the muses. “Like any real person, once you get them talking, it’s unlikely they’ll shut up any time soon.”

And some of the others who’ve made it happen:

Few accomplishments in life are solo performances. The truly valuable ones are facilitated by others. Acknowledging contributions and showing gratitude for the various roles they play as supporting cast is what this space has been set aside for.

Aleksandr VoinovAleksandr Voinov is co-author of Dark Edge of Honor, and a large part of the inspirational source for both story premise and characters. He also serves as writing pacer and whip-wielder on occasion. Check out his website for free reads and info about his wealth of works, that run the gamut from historical fiction to fantasy and science fiction and mafia-smut gun-porn.  Also one of the founding fathers of Riptide Publishing, though he does just as much writing as he does editing and business-running. And if that’s not enough to keep him busy, he’s also a slightly maniacal genius bent on world domination, but that’s supposed to be a SECRET. So don’t tell anyone.

Amara's Place

AKA Lair of the Black Mamba, Wielder of Claymores & Hand Grenades. (Both the sword-claymores and the landmine version, although we’re still addressing the interpretation of directions printed on the landmines. You know, the ones that say “Front Toward Enemy.”) One of the best reviewer sites out there for the M/M community that’s QUILT BAG friendly. Also, she posts the best eye candy. Though a newly formed small house press, this little boat is going to make some major waves. Pun intended.

This is the publisher responsible for Dark Edge of Honor becoming what it is. An awesome editor makes a world of difference, and we had one of the best in Deb Nemeth. At this juncture, we’re likely biased quite heavily. The results speak for themselves.

Riptide Publishing

Though a newly formed small house press, this little boat is making some major waves. Pun intended.